Industry Engagement and Coordination
Society is largely supportive of a clean energy future. However, how we get to that future and manage all the impending challenges and risks presented to us is highly complex. Our team has extensive experience working collaboratively with a broad range of stakeholders to achieve shared goals. We can translate highly technical issues into business impacts, and we are laser-focused on ensuring fairness, equity, and a least-regrets approach to policies and regulatory changes.
Development of FERC filings on proposed regulatory changes (i.e., FERC NOPRs, Orders, etc.)
Review proposed changes to NERC Standards, translate proposed standards changes to business operations, and support comments to proposed revisions
Engage in stakeholder activities at NERC, Regional Entities, and ISO/RTOs to ensure consistent, appropriate, and fair development of regulations and market rules
Coordinate and engage in stakeholder groups related to reliability and market modifications
Support state and federal policymakers and energy officials by providing technical support on impending regulations or policies
Lead, coordinate, and participate on international standards activities in support of enhanced industry adoption of advanced technologies and clean energy resources