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NERC/FERC Regulatory Compliance

With ongoing regulatory changes at both the FERC and NERC levels, staying up-to-date with changing directives, standards, and requirements is increasingly challenging. Our team provides Registered Entities with reliable and dependable support to minimize compliance risk with NERC standards, understand impending changes from FERC orders, and remain ahead of incoming changes that will influence business planning and operations. Our expert team has extensive experience in this area given our deep background and experience at NERC.


Reach out to discuss how we can partner to solve your biggest challenges. Our team of experts, and industry leaders are here to help.

  • Support for newly registering inverter-based GOs and GOPs given recent NERC initiatives

  • Customized NERC compliance program development and review; detailed assessment of policies, procedures, internal controls, monitoring capabilities, training, education, and core competencies.

  • On-call support to address technical and challenging compliance questions as they arise

  • Subject matter expertise to translate NERC standards requirements and their applicability into tangible business operations to effectively and efficiently comply with existing or new standards.

  • Internal controls development, review, and enhancement to identify areas for improvement across your O&P compliance program

  • Gap analyses to identify potential areas of non compliance and business risks, and support to develop compliance risk mitigations to these risks

  • Strong technical support to ensure compliance with changing NERC standards and requirements; ongoing NERC standards updates and how these changes could affect business operations.

  • Liaison support regarding the coordination, communication, and engagement with FERC, NERC, and Regional Entities

  • Supporting mock audits and audit preparedness exercises to ensure the compliance team and overall program are sufficiently ready for FERC, NERC, or Regional Entity audits

  • Navigate the ever-changing regulatory landscape at FERC, NERC, and the Regional Entities – stakeholder process engagement related to organized market requirements and regulatory proceedings

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